Workshops Listing

  • Workshop 1: Frequency Domain Techniques for the Stability Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Time Delays

    Additional requirement: Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops with Matlab installed.

    Abstract: This workshop presents techniques and tools to utilize to study the stability of linear time-invariant systems with time delays. The first half of the workshop will focus on background knowledge on the modeling of dynamical systems, how time delays arise in such systems, and what are some peculiarities one must pay attention to when studying such systems stability properties. In the second half of the workshop, we will cover an array of techniques, derive their mathematical foundations, and apply them as algorithms in Matlab to demonstrate their utility. The audience will be provided these algorithms as Matlab scripts and will be able to participate in coding these algorithms, together with the presenter.

  • Workshop 2: Digital Twin of a Vehicular Engine as a Simulation Environment Platform for Fault Diagnosis

    Additional requirement: Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops with Matlab and Simulink installed.

    Abstract: Fault diagnosis in highly nonlinear dynamic systems, such as vehicle engines, has garnered significant attention, particularly with the automotive industry’s shift towards autonomous driving technologies. This workshop presents a comprehensive model-based digital twin testbed of a turbocharged spark-ignited (TCSI) petrol engine system for testing and evaluating residuals generation and fault diagnosis methods. Developed using Matlab/Simulink, the testbed provides a user-friendly graphical interface to simulate engine behavior and to visualize engine telemetries under various industrial-standard driving cycles, including the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), Extra-Urban Driving Cycle (EUDC), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Test Procedure (FTP75).

  • Workshop 3: Efficient Digital Twin Frameworks for Parallel Kinematics

    Additional Requirement: Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops with Matlab and Simulink installed.

    Abstract: Although several frameworks for multibody robotics simulations like Matlab/Simulink/Simscape, ROS/Gazebo, Modelica etc. exist, there is a surprising lack of efficient computational methods to simulate parallel kinematics. Dealing with algebraic constraints of closed kinematic chains remains challenging. Moreover, efficient actuator interfaces to implement digital twins are typically not available as library blocks. Parallel kinematics such as delta manipulators or hexapods are relevant for many industrial applications like high throughput pick and place or assembly tasks. In this workshop, both algorithmic challenges for efficient and highly performant real-time simulation tools as well as computational schemes for bidirectional digital twins with a particular focus on parallel robotic kinematics will be addressed. Industrial use cases could supplement the theoretical content of the workshop and illustrate best practices for digital twin implementations.

  • Workshop 4: An Introduction to Wave Energy Control Technology

    Additional Requirement: Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops with Matlab and Simulink installed.

    Abstract: In the drive to zero-carbon energy, a wide range of renewables are required to provide reliable and consistent energy supply to meet ever changing demand profiles. Wave energy is an abundant, but unexploited, renewable energy source which can have desirable properties in terms of a lack of correlation with wind and solar energy sources, allowing it to plug some gaps in renewable energy supply. However, wave energy has struggled to emerge as a viable alternative to wind and solar, primarily due to:

    • The reciprocating nature of the energy flux, requiring rectification at some stage of the power train,
    • The relatively hostile environment of the ocean, and
    • The wide variety of wave spectra at any given location.
    • JohnRingwood.png

      Maynooth University, Ireland

    • Chris Guiver.png

      Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland

    • Pedro Fornaro.png

      Maynooth University, Ireland